Complete alphabetical list of signatories
Total published signatories: 5536 verified.
Name | Position and affiliation, or personal comment | Date signed |
Mrs. Cynthia Ann Stanley, M.Sc. | It is hard to believe that a man with little education could produce works that require not only genius but also scholarship. |
02/04/17 |
Mr. Robert Stanley | Stratfordians refuse to accept there is reasonable doubt, and accuse those who do of being 'flat-earthers' - a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black. |
05/16/20 |
Miss Philippa Lynne Stannard | 10/13/15 | |
Ms. Ljiljana M. Stanojevic | 02/11/09 | |
Robert A. Stansbury | 05/30/20 | |
Rebecca Jon Stansifer | 08/15/09 | |
Ms. Kathleen A. Staples, M.A. | Independent scholar, early modern England |
09/28/11 |
Jonathan Star | Author, poet. Works include "Tao Te Ching" (Putnam); "Rumi: In the Arms of the Beloved"; and "The Merchant of Venice: A Contemporary English Version" (unpub,) |
12/17/07 |
Clemens Starck | Poet |
12/11/16 |
Ms. Eleanor Starkey | 09/15/07 | |
Mr. Rémy Voisin Starns, LL.M. | 07/29/12 | |
Mr. Boris Starosta | No letters to peers, nothing written in WS hand, only a few very sorry "signatures" |
08/15/23 |
Miss Seneca Margaret Staskunas | 01/19/09 | |
George Stavropoulos | 03/25/17 | |
Robert Steadman | Composer |
09/09/07 |
Jean Stearns | Twenty years of reading about this have convinced me that the author wasn't the Stratford man and was probably De Vere (Oxford). |
02/01/15 |
Frank-Patrick Steckel | German theatre director (Hoffmann, Shakespeare und das Deutsche Theater im XX. Jahrhundert) |
09/29/14 |
Mr. Donald Fey Steele, M.A. | Playwright |
07/19/11 |
Dr. Björn Steiert | Writer; winner of the Paula-Rombach-Prize 2008 for the play "Heros" |
05/02/14 |
Daniel Dale Stein-Freer | The Poet known as "Gray Squirrel." |
02/12/15 |
Mr. Steven J. Steinburg | Author: I Come To Bury Shaksper |
03/13/12 |
Mr. Hans Ludwig Steiner | I understand only that all Reality must be open to question....that who made this act is not to be excused of question, the players repeat a deformed script |
03/08/17 |
Miss Marie Steiner | 06/17/09 | |
Mrs. Monika Steiner, M.A. | Director, teaching at the University of Music Vienna |
11/24/07 |
Mrs. Josi Steinfeld | I don't believe Mr Shaksper had all the intimate knowledge required in different fields such as the Court, law, foreign travel or education. |
03/25/17 |
Mr. Dale Allen Steinke | I'm a writer, by profession, who's worked extensively in advertising and marketing. |
10/31/17 |
Mr. Gerald Victor Steinmetz | Author of ten books on spoken English in the "How to Talk" series (Helsinki) |
04/07/12 |
Mr. Jaromír Stejskal | There is "room for doubt." |
02/29/20 |
Ms. Michelle Elaine Stelting | 03/06/14 | |
Mr. Stein Stendahl | 08/16/13 | |
Daniel Richard Stephenson | West Sussex |
02/05/17 |
Tom Stephenson | If it doesn't matter who wrote these works, then it doesn't matter who wrote anything. |
09/09/07 |
Ms. Meriel L. Stern, M.F.A. | I have been an "Oxfordian" since the 1980's! |
08/27/11 |
Miss Ashley Claire Stevens | York University |
07/14/15 |
Mr. Dale E. Stevens | Our age is characteristically full of humbugs, charlatans, outright liars, plagiarists and thieves. I agree with Mark Twain - the legendary Shakespeare is fake. |
04/02/17 |
Gregory Blase Stevens | Stratfordians: “Prove that Shakspere was not Shakespeare.” In science, we have a simple, collective response: “Please prove that he was.” |
05/09/12 |
Mr. James Peter Stevens, M.A. | Teacher of English Language & Literature since 1982 |
10/06/19 |
John Paul Stevens | Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
07/01/09 |
Katharine Frerichs Stevens | I find it impossible for William Shaksper of Stratford to have written the works. All evidence leads to Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. |
08/03/21 |
Ms. Marcella Stevens | 03/11/18 | |
Michael Dean Stevens, M.S. | The person who wrote the works attributed to the man from Stratford would have to have been highly educated, well-traveled and connected to the English court. |
05/14/23 |
Mr. Michael Stuart Stevens | I wrote a paper in high school on this very topic. I believed Marlowe in fact wrote for Shakespeare. I still do! |
09/09/07 |
Daniel P. Stevenson | 05/21/16 | |
Alex Stewart | Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, was clearly the man who wrote Shakespeare. |
03/21/09 |
Mr. Ian P. Stewart, M.A. | Renfrewshire |
09/09/07 |
Miss Kirsty L. Stewart | 04/03/18 | |
Dr. Martin Stiglio | Director, Italian Cultural Institute. I.C.I.s are the cultural offices of the Embassies of Italy or the Consulate of Italy in many countries. |
12/08/13 |
Mr. Mark Stillman | My interest is in Esoteric Texts and Ciphers, there are lots of references to these in the Texts, which implies the author was knowledgeable |
02/13/18 |
Mr. Calum J. Stirling | Identity fraud! |
03/27/12 |
Susan Stitham | Ashland, Oregon |
05/15/23 |