Sign the declaration

Items 1 – 5 define how you want your name, and any other information you provide, to appear on the lists of signatories shown on this website. Items 6 – 8 define information we may need to verify your identity, but which will not appear. (Privacy policy) If you prefer not to provide this information online, the downloads page includes a pdf file of a signing form you can fill out and send to us. If you sign here, you must confirm your information.

Required items are indicated with an asterisk "*"

1. Your full name, including your middle name or initials.

2. In addition to the main list, might you be someone suitable for a short list of "notable" signatories; and, if so, may we list you as such? (If yes, we may first email you a form so you can submit a hand-written signature.)

(If yes, please make the basis of your public "notable" status clear in question #3.)
3. Position and affiliation (former, if relevant), or a personal comment, to appear after your name on lists of signatories (160 character max.):
4. Because our goal is to legitimize the authorship issue in academia, we would like to report data on the academic status of our signatories. Are you a current or former faculty member at a college or university, and, if not, are you a college graduate? (Current and former faculty will appear on the list of “academic” signatories on this website.)
5. If your answer to question #4 was other than "No college degree," which of these categories includes your academic discipline or field?
6. Your email address: to help us verify your identity, and so we can send you Annual Reports and occasional updates, if authorized below. (Your email address will not be shared with anyone.)
Okay to send the following by email:

We also need your home address and phone number to help us verify your identity. This information will be used only for identification purposes. It will not be shared with anyone.

7. Your home address: (street address)

8. Home phone number at the address shown above: