Complete alphabetical list of signatories
Total published signatories: 5536 verified.
Name | Position and affiliation, or personal comment | Date signed |
Mr. Paul Peter Vincent | Why the plays were written is more important than the identity of a single given author. Protestant propaganda conceived by the Tudor/Cecil Welsh Mafia. |
08/05/11 |
Sigrid Vinje-Christensen | 04/26/16 | |
Mr. Phillip Michael Vitale | 05/03/20 | |
Jill Vites, M.D. | 12/21/24 | |
Mary Vogt | 07/27/16 | |
Miss Eva Vole I | I follow the work of Petter Amundsen, that's why I have doubts. |
08/19/13 |
Mr. Alan Volkert, M.S. | Questions of authoriship do not diminish content. |
09/09/07 |
Mr. Stig Ove Voll | 08/19/13 | |
Prof. Andreas von Arnauld | Director, Walther Schücking Institute for International Law, University of Kiel, Germany, founded in 1914 |
02/05/16 |
Dr. Georg Alexander von Breunig, Ph.D. | Patent attorney |
10/12/09 |
Jeffrey James Voner, Ed.D. | 08/14/23 | |
Mr. Alex David Vorhaus | English Major at Midway University. Recipient of the Pinkerton Scholarship |
02/19/21 |
Dr. Leonid Vorobyev, Ph.D. | Senior chemist, Applied Poleramic Inc., Benicia, CA |
09/09/07 |
Dr. Emmanuel Voyiakis, Ph.D. | State |
10/15/11 |
Mr. Ray George Vyse | 01/26/25 | |
Dr. Kevin Wacasey, M.D. | To me, the lack of evidence for the man from Stratford is evidence that he is not the author |
11/02/21 |
Stacie D. Waddell | 04/21/09 | |
Mrs. Jane Joyce Wade, M.L.S. | NC |
05/11/23 |
Ms. Laura Scott Wade | 09/09/07 | |
Mr. Matthew Niall Wade | Looney's 'Shakespeare Identified' opened my eyes 40 years ago, and I am delighted to see the extensive current scholarship proving his theory beyond doubt. |
01/09/24 |
Mr. John Wadmore, M.A. | Just a bog standard anti-Stratfordian! |
06/03/19 |
Mrs. Mary Waechter | 09/30/15 | |
Richard Allan Wagner | Author of "The LOST SECRET of William Shakespeare" |
06/01/10 |
Mr. Hissan Waheed | Oxford |
09/27/07 |
Stephanie R. Wahl | 06/16/09 | |
Bill Waicus | ON |
08/03/23 |
Charles Paul Wajszczuk, M.D. | 04/21/09 | |
Ms. Sarah Jayne Wakely | I studied Shakspere for my undergraduate degree, and always found his plays fascinating. I am also an M.S. candidate. |
09/09/07 |
Mr. Donald Ellis Walcott, M.A. | I am firmly convinced that William Shakespeare did NOT write the plays. The best candidates are Henry Neville and Francis Bacon. |
12/09/08 |
Ben Walden | As a former Globe Theatre actor and lover of Shakespeare's works, I believe there is room for reasonable doubt. |
03/31/18 |
Ms. Christina Gayle Waldman, J.D. | 03/21/13 | |
Dr. D'Lynn Waldron, Ph.D. | I have my own theory of collaborative authorship, based on university and other study, and experience in the theatre. |
09/09/07 |
James Allen Waldrop Jr. | It is very important that we give just credit to the real Bard. |
03/26/16 |
Ms. Brandy Walker | Beware the ides of March! |
09/09/07 |
John Phillip Walker | President, ManageMen, Inc. |
12/14/14 |
Mr. Michael Esdaile Walker | A British court of law would undoubtedly admit to reasonable doubt about the Stratford claim to put it mildly. |
12/14/12 |
Mr. Patrick Walker | Musician & Songwriter |
09/26/16 |
Terry Alan Walker | Former CBC TV Producer; Gemini Award winner, 1998; President, Toronto Location of the Canadian Media Guild during the infamous CBC Lockout of 2005. |
09/09/07 |
Mr. Ralph Walker-Smith, M.A. | 'The Man From Stratford' is Not the True Star. |
12/16/21 |
William Wall | Writer |
09/09/07 |
David Rains Wallace, M.A. | Nature writer and conservationist; author of twenty books, including “The Monkey’s Bridge” and “The Klamath Knot,” winner of numerous literary awards and honors |
09/29/14 |
Prof. E. Bert Wallace, M.F.A. | Associate Professor of Theatre, Campbell University, NC, USA |
07/25/17 |
Prof. Elizabeth Wallace, M.A. | Author of: Buddha, Rumi and Other Sages of the Ages, in which I include quotes attributed to Shakespeare and in which I include the controversy of their origins |
09/12/15 |
Dr. Richard J. Wallace, Ph.D. | Senior Staff Scientist, Cork Constraint Computation Centre, University College Cork |
06/11/13 |
Sheryl Wallace | Doubter of Shakespeare’s authorship, and interested observer. “For truth is truth / To the end of reckoning.†|
09/11/07 |
Mr. Lewis I. Wallach, M.B.A. | Recipient: Kenneth Casey Award for Sociological History |
04/21/09 |
Fletch Waller, M.B.A. | Trustee, Coach, Northwest Ruminator, Oxfordian |
02/13/12 |
Mr. John G. Waller, M.L.S. | Librarian and literary enthusiast |
06/08/17 |
Eric G:son Wallin, M.B.A. | 09/09/07 | |
Mr. Philip Arthur Wallis | Journalist/Writer/Director/Filmmaker |
07/27/21 |